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22 Feb 2018 4:02 PM

The Peak 29 frame has been winning the hearts of marathon cyclists and mountain cycling enthusiasts for the last few seasons.  We have been improving the frame for some years based on users’ comments.  Meanwhile, we have created its carbon fibre version - Peak 29 Carbon.  For the 2018 season we are preparing an updated version of the aluminium 29er.  What we wanted to achieve was for the frame to be in line with the current trends, but also – and more importantly - to meet the users’ expectations expressed in the e-mails you sent, your comments in social media or forums for cyclists.


Kielce Bike-Expo pokazaliśmy ramę, o którą najczęściej pytaliście - oto Peak 29 w nowej odsłonie!

Rama Peak 29 od kilku sezonów zdobywa serca maratończyków i miłośników jazdy po górach. Na przestrzeni lat ulepszaliśmy ramę zgodnie z uwagami użytkowników. W międzyczasie powstała też wersja z włókna węglowego - Peak 29 Carbon. Na sezon 2018 przygotowujemy odświeżoną wersję aluminiowego 29era. Cel był taki, by sprostała obecnym trendom i - przede wszystkim - by była odpowiedzią na oczekiwania użytkowników, które codziennie gromadzimy z maili, komentarzy w mediach społecznościowych czy na forach rowerowych.


What has changed in the Peak 29 frame as compared to its earlier versions?

✔️ we have added a rigid 142x12 axle to make the whole structure of the mountain bike stiffer
✔️ we have made the head angle slightly narrower – it used to be 72 degrees and now is  70
✔️ we have improved the welds so as to make the joints between the tubes smoother and more aesthetically pleasing
✔️ we have up-dated the paintwork – there will be two colour versions to choose from: a red-and-black and a black-and-fluorescent yellow and we are thinking about yet another one

Frame geometry:



The new version has been given a new name Peak 29 TA-12 (TA - through axle) to distinguish it from its predecessor. The frame will be available from May 2018.


